Just above the pilots is the main overhead panel with about 35 to 40 elements.The size is 29"x22" (panel detail coming soon).Back view on the right photo ! These are the elements you can see in my version (from top to bottom and left to right):
Flight control hydraulic power,Yaw damper,Acars,AutoBreak,Anti-skid,FireHandles 1&2,Engine ignition 1&2,Ins selector,Compass, Alt Gear Extend,Ignition,Selcal,Hf 1,Wheel Fire Detection,Emergency light & Standby Power,Cockpit Voice Recorder,Compass 2,Pass Briefer,Flight Recorder,Cabin Interphone,Cabin announciator,Windshield Controls,Fire Handles 2&4,Engine Ignition 2&4,Ins selector 2,Compass 3,Alt Flaps,Leading Edge,Evacuation signal,Hf 2,Radio Master Bus,Stall Warning,Mach A/S Warning,Nacelle anti ice,Wing Anti ice,Probe Heaters,Window Heat,Power Lights.
Juste au dessus des pilotes se trouve un panneau composé de 35 à 40 éléments.Ses dimensions sont de 74 cm x 56 cm (détail des éléments prochainement).Photo de droite:vus de l'arrière !Ci dessus énumération en anglais des éléments de cette version (de haut en bas et de gauche à droite)